
4 weeks

Unreal Engine 5


General Information

Genre : Action – Adventure

Mode : Solo

Plateform : Console & PC

Rating : 7+

Target : Those who like to resolve puzzle, fans of Link’s Awakening, Casual Gamer

Work Done

Main Charatcer


  • I implemented a cinematic camera that follows the player smoothly.
  • I added a zoom function to allow the player to explore environments in more detail.
  • I also added a camera rotation function to allow the player to observe their environment from different angles.

Player Movement

  • I implemented the player’s basic movements, namely walking, running, jumping, and dashing.
  • I added smooth animation for each movement.
  • I also added a collision function to prevent the player from passing through walls or objects.

Health and Damage

  • Implemented a health and damage system for the player.
  • The player starts with a certain amount of health, and they lose health when they are hit by an enemy.
  • The player can also inflict damage on enemies when they attack them.

Inventory Design

  • Conceptualization and design of an intuitive inventory system.
  • User-friendly interface for easy navigation and item management.
  • Integration of visual elements to enhance the overall user experience.